Donovan Craig wrote:

I'm trying to install clamav 0.65-2 with amavis & Exim etc..

I would recommend exiscan + exim instead of amavis + exim. MUCH faster.

Setting up clamav-freshclam (0.65-2) ...
Downloading main.cvd [*]
ERROR: Verification: MD5 verification error.
Giving up...

I've tried a few different mirrors in /etc/clamav/freshclam.conf but keep getting the same response.

Really? Tried yet? I manually deleted my *.cvd, and run freshclam, it's OK.

bash-2.03# freshclam
ClamAV update process started at Mon Feb 9 13:04:25 2004
Reading CVD header (main.cvd): OK
Downloading main.cvd [*]
main.cvd updated (version: 19, sigs: 19987, f-level: 1, builder: ddm)
Reading CVD header (daily.cvd): OK
Downloading daily.cvd [*]
daily.cvd updated (version: 124, sigs: 680, f-level: 1, builder: ccordes)
Database updated (20667 signatures) from (
Clamd successfully notified about the update.
bash-2.03# freshclam -V
freshclam / ClamAV version devel-20040209

When browsing the mirrors, it seems that half of them don't have the main.cvd file at all. My previous version of clamav had .db files instead..

What's the situation with the .cvd files?

*.cvd MUST exist in root web (confirmed by Luca). *.cvd entries in database are optional. Most times you wouldn't be able to browse the root dir though.

Is there a problem with these at the moment?

No. Not general problem. There might be problem on one or two mirrors, haven't check them all.

Or is this just the Debian package?

Don't know about that. Try bulding from recent snapshot or use my binary on My linux binaries should work on Debian.

Where does clamav get the md5 checksum to check against?

From the cvd files.

bash-2.03# sigtool -i main.cvd
Build time: 27 Jan 2004 12-31 +0100
Version: 19
# of signatures: 19987
Functionality level: 1
Builder: ddm
MD5: 46b4b24055925f69a6d5d7802dbd1479
Digital signature: QwI5dHA0EuDyu+nTowuaUtj30yqEKhpbcV1o5XdkXDiRvqTYowbqh4by/BurpQOPF15XXXODL7b4jY4n9I8Kw/7gdPLwjLgeaqDUA5WRyMtZIlOJFJcCznw/ZYmkk+FQAM9URLmCepwtLZN9uynsUKXdmZE6SVBtk4Dkg//w5Mf
Verification OK.

Also, I've found that if you have a happy clamav running, then download an update with a bad md5 sum, the application stops when trying to restart. Would it be better to only overwrite the current database if the md5 check is successful,

I don't think this is true. It only overwrites the current database if the md5 check is successful.
Try verify your current *.cvd with sigtool -i. Haven't investigate further though.


Fajar A. Nugraha

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