> Hello Mark,
> M> Ok heremy 2 cents:
> M> The sourcemashine is a LINUX which is infected and the target mashine
is an
> M> oBSD with compat_linux in the kernel.
> M> So let's think about this situation..
> yes, letīs start to think for a change
> M> We will take the worst case: All copies of the file are infected on the
> M> sourcemashine. Sourcemashine hasn't an AV.
> M> So now my "friend" tux sends me a mail with the file. My Clam-AV
> M> "Hey this file is very very suspect. It's infected with
> M> unix.take_more_then_2_seconds_to_think_about_a_topic.worm".
> M> So what should my friend do?
> He should wonder how on earth he could be so mindless to execute a file
> he didnīt know about - this is the behaviour of the average windows-user
> even they get smarter.A virusscanner is just a tool, it canīt replace
common sense
> - not now, but we all wait for an update...
> M> Should he delete the file and all copies?
> M> And then? He has to reinstall the OS couse ClamAV wa snot able to clean
> I think you didnīt get the meaning of ClamAV. The goal wasnīt a second
> or KAV (i think). Just read
> M> What's if the file is very importend?
> http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=backup

But their always infected...

> M> Or another example like the first one:
> M> Both Computer use Clam-AV but the virus/worm is only detecable after
> M> last update of the virii-db.
> M> So what should I and "tux" do know?
> In this case you BOTH should wonder how on earth you could
> be so mindless to execute a file that you didnīt know about.
> M> If ClamAV will not be able to clean the system/file in the next
> M> it's completly senseless for the mass.
> http://clamav.elektrapro.com/doc/html/node2.html

Yes OK!
But where is the sense in a police which told you "Hey someone robs your
house" when they do nothing at all?
And the only option is to shoot the robber?!
I know it's hard but I know also it's possible.
Not from today to tomorrow or from nov to dec. But maybe in 6 or 8 months
there could be a scan-repair-engine in alphastate.
I know my words sounds hard but I know also

And I don't angree with your mind. I think here is the right place for
trading couse here people who knows about virii.
I hope here no "script-kids" which think "Hey fine my archiv has over
XYZ-Files.. let's smash the school-network".
So I hope you will understand and I'm sure you will.

*big snip*

> Best regards,
>  Christoph

mfg. Mark

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