Hello Mark,

> Yes OK!
> But where is the sense in a police which told you "Hey someone robs your
> house" when they do nothing at all?
> And the only option is to shoot the robber?!
> I know it's hard but I know also it's possible.
> Not from today to tomorrow or from nov to dec. But maybe in 6 or 8 months
> there could be a scan-repair-engine in alphastate.
> I know my words sounds hard but I know also
> And I don't angree with your mind. I think here is the right place for
> trading couse here people who knows about virii.
> I hope here no "script-kids" which think "Hey fine my archiv has over
> XYZ-Files.. let's smash the school-network".
> So I hope you will understand and I'm sure you will.

Nothing at all? It stops an infected mail before it reaches the recipient. If i take 
your example - it stops the thief before it reaches your house.
Can you tell me about 10 samples from the last 12 months that infect other files in a 
way that can be cleaned? Maybe some macro-stuff. Imho there are more important things 
than a cleaning-function. 
And no, i donīt think many people here have an extensive knowledge about "virii". I 
guess most of them just want to stop them in a effective way - it realy doesnīt matter 
how a virus works - i just want to stop it before it can cause any damage. And this is 
what clam did for more than 2000 times on my system.

Best regards,
 Christoph                          mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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