On Thu, 30 Oct 2003 at 18:56:13 +0100, Riki Cubek wrote:
> > So you are concerned that only one virus was found by clamscan in the 
> > zip file, aren't you? 
> > No need to. This is a normal behaviour of clamscan. 
> Yes, I was - and I'm still !  
> > When it finds a first infected file in the zip archive, it reports that 
> > the archive (as a whole) is infected (contains a virus). It's enough, 
> > checking the rest is a waste of time. The archive itself is infected, 
> > period. 
> When I check an archive manually, i want the command line scanner to give 
> me detailed information about the file AND the files archived (at least by 
> option) - like all the other command line scanners do, or like clamscan 
> even does itself with .rar, .tar.gz or .tar-files. Isn't it normally that 
> users like me get unsure when all the scanners - clamscan included - make 
> the same output for all the archive-types, but only clamscan does a 
> special one with zip-files ? 

The way to get results of scanning of all files in a zip file is
disabling built-in archive support in libclamav (--disable-archive) and
enabling scanning with external unzip program (--unzip[=FULLPATH]).

The examples of scanning a zip file contaning more than one infected
file in the archive:

1) default way:

$ clamscan Backdoor.Konik.06b.zip
Backdoor.Konik.06b.zip: Trojan.Konik.06b-client FOUND

----------- SCAN SUMMARY -----------
Known viruses: 9902
Scanned directories: 0
Scanned files: 1
Infected files: 1

(only one virus is reported),

2) "enhanced" way:

$ clamscan --disable-archive --unzip Backdoor.Konik.06b.zip
Archive:  /home/tomek/vir/Backdoor.Konik.06b.zip
  inflating: info_trojan.txt
  inflating: klient_konik.exe
  inflating: config.exe
  inflating: winamp.exe
  inflating: Achates.html
  inflating: register.reg
/home/tomek/c995944d53c70058/info_trojan.txt: OK
/home/tomek/c995944d53c70058/klient_konik.exe: Trojan.Konik.06b-client
/home/tomek/c995944d53c70058/config.exe: Trojan.Konik.06b-config FOUND
/home/tomek/c995944d53c70058/winamp.exe: Trojan.Konik.06b-server FOUND
/home/tomek/c995944d53c70058/Achates.html: OK
/home/tomek/c995944d53c70058/register.reg: OK
/home/tomek/vir/Backdoor.Konik.06b.zip: Infected Archive FOUND

----------- SCAN SUMMARY -----------
Known viruses: 9902
Scanned directories: 1
Scanned files: 6
Infected files: 3

(all files and viruses are reported).

 Tomasz Papszun   SysAdm @ TP S.A. Lodz, Poland  | And it's only
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.lodz.tpsa.pl/   | ones and zeros.

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