i hope now i can post. 
I have a problem with clamscan 0.6 on SuSe 8.2: 
I made a archive containing some directories, subdirectories and 
It works fine for .rar and .tar archives. But when i use it on the same 
package as zip, it 
checks only the zip as a file. (Scanned files: 1) and it detects only that 
one file. Other 
scanners are detecting them all, even clamscan when they are packed as rar 
or tar. 
It's not a zip-file-error - i tried many options, my unzip-tool works fine. 
clamscan --unzip -r aha.zip 
clamscan -r aha.zip 
clamscan aha.zip 
clamscan --mbox aha.zip ...and so on - always the same output 
I even tried chmod 777 on all the files and zipped it again... 
like I said, clamscan --tar aha.tar works fine, other scanners are detecting

the files inside the zip, what can I do ? 

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