Sean Tempesta said:
> Dear ClamAV users,
> My name is Sean Tempesta and I am a graduate student at the University
> of Missouri: Columbia.  I am doing research on open source anti-viral
> products and I wanted to ask a large user base what you thought about
> ClamAV.  If you wouldn't mind responding, I would really appreciate any
> feedback since it will help me better understand this project.
> Questions:
> 1.  Project Status:
>     a)  Is this project being actively developed, or has it been
> primarily bug fixes in recent times?  (past 6 months)

Well, once you get to the point where a virus scanne ris scanning virii -
is there anywhere else to go?  New signatures are added almost daily.  Bug
fixes are regular.  A new "release" version should be coming along

>     b)  If the project is actively being developed, what important
> advances have occurred in the last year?
Er.  It's scanning for virii.  It does what it's supposed to do.  Is there

> 2.  Proof or Concept?
>     a)  Is the project geared toward theoretical anti-virus research as
> OpenAntivirus is (, or is it used in
> production environments?
I'm using it in multiple production environments.  Even though,
technically, it's not reccomended at this stage of development.

>     b)  If the project is not just theoretical, what companies are using
> ClamAV in production?  (any comments on effectiveness or recommendations
> on other products used in conjunction ie. spamassassin would be great!)
For the three companies i'm using it for, it's been mint.  I use
SpamAssasin after mail is accepted, but ClamAV is being used in
Exim/Exiscan to reject virii at the SMTP conversation level - ie they
never even get accepted to my system.  The difference being - a virus is
rarely a false positive, and giving the sending smtp server positive
indication of this is a Good Thing.  Spam, however, is subjective, and the
i've elected to allow spam-positives to flow through to the destination
user, with tags.



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