* Sean Tempesta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [20031024 06:57]: wrote:
> Dear ClamAV users,
> My name is Sean Tempesta and I am a graduate student at the University
> of Missouri: Columbia.  I am doing research on open source anti-viral
> products and I wanted to ask a large user base what you thought about
> ClamAV.  If you wouldn't mind responding, I would really appreciate any
> feedback since it will help me better understand this project.  

Mine is Odhiambo Washington, a Systems Janitor for an ISP located just
next to the great Rift Valley ;) Thank you.

> Questions:
> 1.  Project Status: 
>     a)  Is this project being actively developed, or has it been
> primarily bug fixes in recent times?  (past 6 months)

Very very active!! There has been a lof of code improvements. Actually
you should have gotten this answer yourself by downloading the source
code and looking at the Changelog. FYI, almost all open source projects
that I know of have a CHANGES/Changelog diary of what has been happening
and it can form the basis of judging a project, not that it's all you
need though.

>     b)  If the project is actively being developed, what important
> advances have occurred in the last year?

See ChangeLog. For me, so much has been done in the overall code:
improved ability to handle mail files (mbox) correctly, stabilization
of the main code base and especially the clamd daemon have been

> 2.  Proof or Concept?
>     a)  Is the project geared toward theoretical anti-virus research as
> OpenAntivirus is (http://www.openantivirus.org), or is it used in
> production environments?

As in theoretical means what here? ;) Since I haven't used OpenAV at all,
I will not comment on it, but I use Clamav here in production environment
where it handles...

TOTAL        Volume  Messages  Domains Edomains  Delayed     Failed
Received     2243MB  51234     4757    8483      1972  3.8%  1182  2.3%
Delivered    2886MB  60118     3180    4640

..on average per day!!.

>     b)  If the project is not just theoretical, what companies are using
> ClamAV in production?  (any comments on effectiveness or recommendations
> on other products used in conjunction ie. spamassassin would be great!)

We run an ISP and we use clamav and spamassassin. You could see
http://www.wananchi.com/email/{av|stop-spam|extensions|demime} for what we
do. Clamav is used in conjunction with Exiscan (http://duncanthrax.net/exiscan).
SpamAssassin is used in the same setup (Exim+Clamav+SpamAssassin). On
effectiveness, try sending spam/virus to my address and judge for yourself;)




    |\      _,,,---,,_     | Odhiambo Washington    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Zzz /,`.-'`'    -.  ;-;;,_ | Wananchi Online Ltd.   www.wananchi.com
   |,4-  ) )-,_. ,\ (  `'-'| Tel: +254 20 313985-9  +254 20 313922
  '---''(_/--'  `-'\_)     | GSM: +254 722 743223   +254 733 744121
"We had it tough ... I had to get up at 9 o'clock at night, half an
hour before I went to bed, eat a lump of dry poison, work 29 hours down
mill, and when we came home our Dad would kill us, and dance about on
our grave singing Haleleuia ..."
                -- Monty Python

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