On Thursday 23 October 2003 18:59, Sean Tempesta wrote:
>     b)  If the project is not just theoretical, what companies are using
> ClamAV in production?  (any comments on effectiveness or recommendations
> on other products used in conjunction ie. spamassassin would be great!)

This is about the only question i'm qualified to answer, but i'll add my two 
cents :)

We (itXpress Pty Ltd, a medium-sized ISP) are running clamav to scan all 
incoming and outgoing mail for approximately 20k email accounts and it seems 
to be working wonders :) We have been running it for only about 3 weeks now, 
and already it has already intercepted and deleted nearly 200,000 virus 
emails (all through a modified version of qmail). We also have spamassassin 
processing the same messages for some users and the setup seems to be working 
very well. The only slight problem I'm having is the occasional freeze-up of 
the clam daemon, but this is easily fixed by a restart of the daemon. I 
believe i read somewhere that this is fixed in CVS, so i look forward to the 
next stable release :)

Daniel Andersen

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