Just as a "hey, i got caught by this too", clamd doesn't kill the socket
when it crashes.  so if you're using a local socket ( /tmp/clamd.something
) make sure it's erased before you try to start clamd after a crash.  One
of the reasons that i stopped using local sockets, and started using
tcp/ip sockets.  Makes it easier for my monitoring scripts to restart the
server, and firewall rules don't let external access to it anyway.

Developers: i'm woefully inept at programming, so this may be a stupid
question.  Couldn't you erase the previous local socket (if it exists)
when clamd starts?  Or is that just generally a bad best practice?  I have
no idea.


Thomas Lamy said:
> Please don't top post....
> Allyn Baskerville wrote:
>> The softlimit was set at 10000000, and I changed it to 20000000. No
>> luck. Any other ideas? Thanks
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Tomasz Kojm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Sent: Friday, October 17, 2003 6:57 AM
>> Subject: Re: [Clamav-users] clam no longer starts
>>>On Fri, 17 Oct 2003 01:28:40 -0500
>>>"Allyn Baskerville" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>I have a system running RH 9.0, qmail, qmail-scanner, and clam. Clam
>>>> has been running fine for a few months now. As of today, the service
>>>> has stopped, and I simply cannot get it running. When I try to start
>>>> clam, it appears to start but doesn't. I can't find anything in the
>>>> logs, other than it started. There is no process running, though. I
>>>> decided to reinstall clam, but still the same thing happens. I'm at a
>>>> loss. Any help would be greatly appreciated. TIA - Allyn
>>>I thinks it's a time to increase your softlimit.
>>>Best regards,
>>>Tomasz Kojm
> This is fixed in CVS, but check if your local socket (/tmp/clamd.ctl or
> /var/run/clamd.ctl, see your config) exists, and remove it.
> Thomas
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