On Fri, 17 Oct 2003 01:28:40 -0500
"Allyn Baskerville" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have a system running RH 9.0, qmail, qmail-scanner, and clam. Clam
> has been running fine for a few months now. As of today, the service
> has stopped, and I simply cannot get it running. When I try to start
> clam, it appears to start but doesn't. I can't find anything in the
> logs, other than it started. There is no process running, though. I
> decided to reinstall clam, but still the same thing happens. I'm at a
> loss. Any help would be greatly appreciated. TIA - Allyn

I thinks it's a time to increase your softlimit.

Best regards,
Tomasz Kojm
      oo    .....       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
     (\/)\.........     http://www.konarski.edu.pl/~zolw
        \..........._   I nie zapomnij kliknac w brzuszek... 
          //\   /\\     <- C. Amboinensis    www.pajacyk.pl        

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