Ok and how should I test the archive?
ClamAV isn't compileable under OpenBSD 3.3 und I can't use the precompiled
package because it needs a unrar-version which is newer as the version into
I visited RarSoft but I'm not able to compile the Source cause there is no
"configure" and so.
I'm not a coder..

And da BAD message: I found out yesterday that my BigArchive (with over 10k
Virii) crashed. Damn "new" CD-Rs.

Sources: 1299 Files
Binary: 400 + Sorbig.F-Worm

I'm ready to trade becaus I wanna test AVs comming soon. I try to get my
big-archive back from some people I know (hope they remember me after all
the time *g*).



Please make ClamAV compilable under openBSD 3.3/3.4 (1. nov.)

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