On Thu, 25 Sep 2003, Mark, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, wrote:

> I've a little archive with a lot of Virri and Sources too.

> I've Sources and binarys, no doubles (I hope because I found no double
> files) and there over 3000.

I'm part of the "team", but I suspect that what would be interesting would
be for you to scan your binaries with clamscan and seeing how many are

> But I would to "trade" [...]

> Ok: Binarys and Sources for other Binarys and Sources?

Again, I can only speak for myself, but I would be reluctant to trade
sources unless I personally knew the person I would be giving sources to.
I would also recommend that you take some care in how and to whom you
distribute sources.

> Sorry for my bad english ;)

No problem.  Your English is far better than my German.



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