I am having the same problem with OpenBSD 3.3

Clamd sometimes "just" stops running. I don't have freshclamd running.. so no idea about that....


Lynn Duerksen wrote:

-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tomasz Kojm
Sent: Tuesday, September 16, 2003 10:23 AM
Subject: Re: [Clamav-users] clamd dies

I have not seen anyone with a solution so far for my Postfix-Spamassassin-Openbsd3.3-Amavisd-new setup. On the latest version freshclam even bombs now. Run the following script from crontab

Freshclam bombs ? Can't believe ;)

Although it does not happen as often as clamd on occasion it does need
to be restarted.  It had gone 11 days without needing restarting but
this morning it needed restarting twice in 1 hour.

I still wonder if it has to do with running amavisd in chroot jail under
user amavisd.  Is there a guide somewhere for running it in chroot jail.
I have gotten all kinds of advice from different sources and I usually
have to do some tweaking of each to make it work.

I know that the OpenBSD port has the user "_clamd" coded into the port.
I modify the Makefile and set it to user amavisd but still have to come
back and chown on some files and directories that were set to user

My log of restarts:
-- -- checkclam log grep "restarting" -- --
Sep 4 22:30:01 restarting clamd daemon
Sep 5 09:30:01 restarting clamd daemon
Sep 5 14:30:01 restarting freshclam daemon
Sep 5 15:00:01 restarting freshclam daemon
Sep 5 20:30:01 restarting clamd daemon
Sep 9 22:00:01 restarting clamd daemon
Sep 10 21:30:01 restarting clamd daemon
Sep 11 11:00:01 restarting clamd daemon
Sep 14 21:30:01 restarting clamd daemon
Sep 16 10:00:02 restarting freshclam daemon
Sep 16 10:30:01 restarting freshclam daemon> -- -- end checkclam log -- --

My clamav.conf settings
-- -- clamav.conf -- --
LogFile /var/amavisd/var/log/clamd.log
PidFile /var/run/clamd.pid
DataDirectory /var/amavisd/usr/local/share/clamav
LocalSocket /var/amavisd/clamd.sock
MaxConnectionQueueLength 30
MaxThreads 10
MaxDirectoryRecursion 15
User amavisd
ArchiveMaxFileSize 10M
ArchiveMaxRecursion 5
ArchiveMaxFiles 1000
-- -- end clamav.conf -- --

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