On Wed, Sep 03, 2003 at 06:01:45PM +0200, Tomasz Papszun wrote:

> > >I'm not sure of the status for clamav-milter, but IIRC it's clamd
> dying in most cases, due to problems in the mbox.c code. ALl my clamd
> problems went away after I disabled the "ScanMail" option in
> clamav.conf.

Cannot prove that. Ok, we have ScanARchive, but no ScanMail, and the daemon
is leaving zombies...

> >   Ok, am I missing something here?  Isn't the "ScanMail" option needed because
> > we're trying to scan for viri in incoming mail?
> > 
> ScanMail isn't really needed when one uses amavisd-new (or other
> "deMIMEr"). That's amavisd-new's job to extract files from mail
> messages.

- Marian

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