On Fri, 7 Mar 2003 09:38:08 +0000
Nigel Horne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Friday 07 Mar 2003 9:26 am, DUBOIS David wrote:
> > which has a clamav-milter but there is no
> > documentation how to install it in sendmail (8.12.8).
> The documentation (such as it is) is in the source code, look at the comments 
> at the top of the file, it's all there.
ok there is all what i need and more .

> I've since written a short INSTALL file that is based on the documentation in 
> that file. I admit that I could still spend more time on it and Tomasz is 
> bullying me so to do. I will happily send you the install file directly if 
> you want. Although I now have a newer version of the milter than is contained 
> in that snapshot, the installation is the same.
thanks for your help.

when will the newest snapshot come?

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