I had just finished a session with another ham where I explained CTCSS on 
several radios. I thought that the UV-5s showed + or -, like the others. I was 
wrong. I just checked them both. It's just as you wrote. Thanks for the comment.
73 ~Rich~ NE1EE

On 2024-02-15 08:40:, John Wuest wrote:
>The "+-" on the display is there to show that an offset is programmed, but not 
>which direction it actually is. Goofy, but that's what it is.
>On Thu, Feb 15, 2024 at 8:06 AM Rich NE1EE 
><<mailto:thedusty...@imaginarian.org>thedusty...@imaginarian.org> wrote:
>I have the BaoFeng UV-5RTP and the BTECH UV-5X3. 

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