When I want to use 2 radios to check, I either place one in another room with 
the volume up so that I can hear it, or I place it farther away, and use my 
phone to record a few minutes, giving me time to return to the first radio and 
send a test message, return and stop the recording.

Rich NE1EE

On 2024-02-14 23:05:, A Boer wrote:
>Sent: Wednesday, February 14, 2024 12:39 PM
>I forgot to mention that you cannot monitor yourself talking through a
>repeater with another radio close to you. The transmitting radio's
>off-frequency and close signal renders the receiver in the monitor
>radio deaf during the transmissions. Usually what happens is that when
>you release the PTT button, the receiver is no longer deaf and you
>hear the repeater's tail drop.
>Jim KC9HI 

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