sammccall added inline comments.

Comment at: clangd/index/CanonicalIncludes.cpp:54
+  StringRef Header = *I;
+  if (!isLiteralInclude(Header)) {
+    // If Header is not expected be included (e.g. .cc file), we fall back to
headers are paths, not <quoted>, right?

Comment at: clangd/index/CanonicalIncludes.cpp:55
+  if (!isLiteralInclude(Header)) {
+    // If Header is not expected be included (e.g. .cc file), we fall back to
+    // the declaring header.
This logic could be merged with the .inc logic, right?
"Find the first header such that the extension is not '.inc', and isn't a 
recognized non-header file"

Comment at: clangd/index/CanonicalIncludes.cpp:60
+    if (!Ext.empty() && !driver::types::onlyPrecompileType(
+                            driver::types::lookupTypeForExtension(Ext)))
+      return Headers[0];
lookupTypeForExtension can return TY_INVALID, which you have to check for 
(onlyPrecompileType will assert).

I think we should be conservative and accept TY_INVALID as possible headers - 
our goal here really is to exclude "obvious" non-headers like cpp.

(in this case you can probably drop the explicit empty check)

  rCTE Clang Tools Extra

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