aaron.ballman added inline comments.

Comment at: clang-tidy/fuchsia/AddVisibilityCheck.cpp:52-53
+  Finder->addMatcher(
+      functionDecl(allOf(hasAnyName(SmallVector<StringRef, 5>(Names.begin(),
+                                                              Names.end())),
+                         isDefinition(), unless(hasVisibilityAttr(V))))
juliehockett wrote:
> aaron.ballman wrote:
> > Can you use `makeArrayRef()` rather than using a `SmallVector` that 
> > allocates?
> Type-wise it gets funky -- `makeArrayRef()` creates an 
> `ArrayRef<std::string>`, and the matcher wants a container of `StringRefs`. 
> Is there a good way to do that without allocating?
I think there is, but it is orthogonal to your patch to make that many changes, 
so you can ignore my suggestion. I didn't see the type shenanigans there.

Comment at: clang-tidy/fuchsia/AddVisibilityCheck.cpp:40
+                                        HeaderFileExtensions, ',')) {
+    llvm::errs() << "Invalid header file extension: "
+                 << RawStringHeaderFileExtensions << "\n";
This works for now, but it would be nice to expose "driver diagnostics" for 
sanity checking clang-tidy configuration options. These diagnostics would not 
be required to pass in a source location, merely the diagnostic text. We 
already support thing kind of things for driver-generated diagnostics, but it's 
not exposed to clang-tidy yet.

Comment at: clang-tidy/fuchsia/AddVisibilityCheck.cpp:49
+    Vis = DefaultVisibility;
+  else
+       llvm::errs() << "Invalid visibliity attribute: " << VisAttr << "\n";
jakehehrlich wrote:
> What about internal?
Might be a good use of `StringSwitch`.

Comment at: clang-tidy/fuchsia/AddVisibilityCheck.cpp:75
+                 Result.SourceManager->getExpansionLoc(D->getLocStart()))) {
+           // unless that file is a header.
+           if (!utils::isSpellingLocInHeaderFile(


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