jakehehrlich added inline comments.

Comment at: clang-tidy/fuchsia/AddVisibilityCheck.cpp:26
+// AST_MATCHER(FunctionDecl, isInHeaderFile) {
+//   return Node.getExplicitVisibility(NamedDecl::VisibilityForType);
What are these comments doing here?

Comment at: clang-tidy/fuchsia/AddVisibilityCheck.cpp:49
+    Vis = DefaultVisibility;
+  else
+       llvm::errs() << "Invalid visibliity attribute: " << VisAttr << "\n";
What about internal?

Comment at: clang-tidy/fuchsia/AddVisibilityCheck.cpp:64
+                                                              Names.end())),
+                         unless(hasVisibilityAttr(Vis))))
+          .bind("no-visibility"),
Something in the list that simply has explicit visibility should pass I think. 
For instance saying you have a blacklist of symbols instead of a whitelist. 
Sometimes internal or hidden might be used but we might want to add "hidden" by 
default. So "Vis" might be DefaultVisibility but we don't want to raise an 
error/change something labeled with internal visibility to hidden.


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