juliehockett added inline comments.

Comment at: clang-tidy/fuchsia/AddVisibilityCheck.cpp:68
+      diag(MatchedDecl->getLocStart(),
+           "visibility attribute not set for specified function")
+          << MatchedDecl
aaron.ballman wrote:
> jakehehrlich wrote:
> > aaron.ballman wrote:
> > > How about: "function expected to be annotated with '%0' visibility"
> > > 
> > > I'm mostly worried about the case where the function has a visibility 
> > > attribute, but it has the *wrong* visibility specified. The current 
> > > wording would be confusing in that circumstance. Or is that not a 
> > > scenario you care about, just that *any* visibility is specified on the 
> > > function?
> > The use case for this check is forcing code bases to carefully control what 
> > symbols are exported rather than just exporting everything. So if someone 
> > took the time to explicitly set the visibility of one of these symbols we 
> > care about then we should assume they knew what they were doing.
> > 
> > The specific use case I care about for this check is using 
> > -fvisibility=hidden and then checking to make sure a certain curated list 
> > of symbols has explicit default visibility.
> Ah, so a mismatch is unimportant, that's good to know. How about: "function 
> expected to be annotated with the 'visibility' attribute"?
So in implementing a way to handle #pragma and command line directives, it 
became clear that the more comprehensive check (that replaces existing attrs) 
was a trivial implementation on top of that, so I put it in. If we just want to 
ignore those cases, I can take out the conditional path.


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