@@ -2,15 +2,18 @@
 // RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple dxil-pc-shadermodel6.0-mesh -hlsl-entry CSMain -x 
hlsl -finclude-default-header  -verify -o - %s
-// expected-error@+3 {{attribute 'SV_GroupIndex' is unsupported in 'mesh' 
shaders, requires compute}}
-// expected-error@+2 {{attribute 'SV_DispatchThreadID' is unsupported in 
'mesh' shaders, requires compute}}
-// expected-error@+1 {{attribute 'SV_GroupID' is unsupported in 'mesh' 
shaders, requires compute}}
-void CSMain(int GI : SV_GroupIndex, uint ID : SV_DispatchThreadID, uint GID : 
SV_GroupID) {
-// CHECK: FunctionDecl 0x{{[0-9a-fA-F]+}} <{{.*}}> line:[[@LINE-1]]:6 CSMain 
'void (int, uint, uint)'
+// expected-error@+4 {{attribute 'SV_GroupIndex' is unsupported in 'mesh' 
shaders, requires compute}}
+// expected-error@+3 {{attribute 'SV_DispatchThreadID' is unsupported in 
'mesh' shaders, requires compute}}
+// expected-error@+2 {{attribute 'SV_GroupID' is unsupported in 'mesh' 
shaders, requires compute}}
+// expected-error@+1 {{attribute 'SV_GroupThreadID' is unsupported in 'mesh' 
shaders, requires compute}}
+void CSMain(int GI : SV_GroupIndex, uint ID : SV_DispatchThreadID, uint GID : 
SV_GroupID, uint GThreadID : SV_GroupThreadID) {
lizhengxing wrote:

@tex3d It makes sense to me. I'll try to move the non-CS checks into 

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