dkrupp updated this revision to Diff 70821.
dkrupp added a comment.

I tried to address all your comments.

1. computeExtentBegin() is greatly simplified.
2. addExtendSize() is simplified (scaleValue() function inlined)
3. new testcases added a) allocation and indexing of non-array element (int *ip 
=new int;) b) allocation of array with run-time size


Index: test/Analysis/out-of-bounds-new.cpp
--- /dev/null
+++ test/Analysis/out-of-bounds-new.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++11 -Wno-array-bounds -analyze -analyzer-checker=unix,core, -verify %s
+// Tests doing an out-of-bounds access after the end of an array using:
+// - constant integer index
+// - constant integer size for buffer
+void test1(int x) {
+  int *buf = new int[100];
+  buf[100] = 1; // expected-warning{{Out of bound memory access}}
+void test1_ok(int x) {
+  int *buf = new int[100];
+  buf[99] = 1; // no-warning
+// Tests doing an out-of-bounds access after the end of an array using:
+// - indirect pointer to buffer
+// - constant integer index
+// - constant integer size for buffer
+void test1_ptr(int x) {
+  int *buf = new int[100];
+  int *p = buf;
+  p[101] = 1; // expected-warning{{Out of bound memory access}}
+void test1_ptr_ok(int x) {
+  int *buf = new int[100];
+  int *p = buf;
+  p[99] = 1; // no-warning
+// Tests doing an out-of-bounds access before the start of an array using:
+// - indirect pointer to buffer, manipulated using simple pointer arithmetic
+// - constant integer index
+// - constant integer size for buffer
+void test1_ptr_arith(int x) {
+  int *buf = new int[100];
+  int *p = buf;
+  p = p + 100;
+  p[0] = 1; // expected-warning{{Out of bound memory access}}
+void test1_ptr_arith_ok(int x) {
+  int *buf = new int[100];
+  int *p = buf;
+  p = p + 99;
+  p[0] = 1; // no-warning
+void test1_ptr_arith_bad(int x) {
+  int *buf = new int[100];
+  int *p = buf;
+  p = p + 99;
+  p[1] = 1; // expected-warning{{Out of bound memory access}}
+void test1_ptr_arith_ok2(int x) {
+  int *buf = new int[100];
+  int *p = buf;
+  p = p + 99;
+  p[-1] = 1; // no-warning
+// Tests doing an out-of-bounds access before the start of an array using:
+// - constant integer index
+// - constant integer size for buffer
+void test2(int x) {
+  int *buf = new int[100];
+  buf[-1] = 1; // expected-warning{{Out of bound memory access}}
+// Tests doing an out-of-bounds access before the start of an array using:
+// - indirect pointer to buffer
+// - constant integer index
+// - constant integer size for buffer
+void test2_ptr(int x) {
+  int *buf = new int[100];
+  int *p = buf;
+  p[-1] = 1; // expected-warning{{Out of bound memory access}}
+// Tests doing an out-of-bounds access before the start of an array using:
+// - indirect pointer to buffer, manipulated using simple pointer arithmetic
+// - constant integer index
+// - constant integer size for buffer
+void test2_ptr_arith(int x) {
+  int *buf = new int[100];
+  int *p = buf;
+  --p;
+  p[0] = 1; // expected-warning {{Out of bound memory access (accessed memory precedes memory block)}}
+// Tests under-indexing
+// of a multi-dimensional array
+void test2_multi(int x) {
+  auto buf = new int[100][100];
+  buf[0][-1] = 1; // expected-warning{{Out of bound memory access}}
+// Tests under-indexing
+// of a multi-dimensional array
+void test2_multi_b(int x) {
+  auto buf = new int[100][100];
+  buf[-1][0] = 1; // expected-warning{{Out of bound memory access}}
+// Tests over-indexing
+// of a multi-dimensional array
+void test2_multi_c(int x) {
+  auto buf = new int[100][100];
+  buf[100][0] = 1; // expected-warning{{Out of bound memory access}}
+// Tests over-indexing
+// of a multi-dimensional array
+void test2_multi_2(int x) {
+  auto buf = new int[100][100];
+  buf[99][100] = 1; // expected-warning{{Out of bound memory access}}
+// Tests normal access of
+// a multi-dimensional array
+void test2_multi_ok(int x) {
+  auto buf = new int[100][100];
+  buf[0][0] = 1; // no-warning
+// Tests over-indexing using different types
+// array
+void test_diff_types(int x) {
+  int *buf = new int[10]; //10*sizeof(int) Bytes allocated
+  char *cptr = (char *)buf;
+  cptr[sizeof(int) * 9] = 1;  // no-warning
+  cptr[sizeof(int) * 10] = 1; // expected-warning{{Out of bound memory access}}
+// Tests over-indexing
+//if the allocated area is non-array
+void test_non_array(int x) {
+  int *ip = new int;
+  ip[0] = 1; // no-warning
+  ip[1] = 2; // expected-warning{{Out of bound memory access}}
+//Tests over-indexing
+//if the allocated area size is a runtime parameter
+void test_dynamic_size(int s) {
+  int *buf = new int[s];
+  buf[0] = 1; // no-warning
Index: lib/StaticAnalyzer/Checkers/MallocChecker.cpp
--- lib/StaticAnalyzer/Checkers/MallocChecker.cpp
+++ lib/StaticAnalyzer/Checkers/MallocChecker.cpp
@@ -287,6 +287,11 @@
                                       ProgramStateRef State,
                                       AllocationFamily Family = AF_Malloc);
+  static ProgramStateRef addExtentSize(CheckerContext &C,
+                                             const CXXNewExpr *NE,
+                                             ProgramStateRef State
+                                             );
   // Check if this malloc() for special flags. At present that means M_ZERO or
   // __GFP_ZERO (in which case, treat it like calloc).
@@ -981,10 +986,59 @@
   // existing binding.
   State = MallocUpdateRefState(C, NE, State, NE->isArray() ? AF_CXXNewArray
                                                            : AF_CXXNew);
+  State = addExtentSize(C, NE, State);
   State = ProcessZeroAllocation(C, NE, 0, State);
+// Sets the extent value of the MemRegion allocated by
+// new expression NE to its size in Bytes.
+ProgramStateRef MallocChecker::addExtentSize(CheckerContext &C,
+                                             const CXXNewExpr *NE,
+                                             ProgramStateRef State) {
+  if (!State)
+    return nullptr;
+  SValBuilder &svalBuilder = C.getSValBuilder();
+  SVal ElementCount;
+  const LocationContext *LCtx = C.getLocationContext();
+  const SubRegion *Region;
+  if (NE->isArray()) {
+    const Expr *SizeExpr = NE->getArraySize();
+    ElementCount = State->getSVal(SizeExpr, C.getLocationContext());
+    // Store the extent size for the (symbolic)region
+    // containing the elements.
+    Region = (State->getSVal(NE, LCtx))
+                 .getAsRegion()
+                 ->getAs<SubRegion>()
+                 ->getSuperRegion()
+                 ->getAs<SubRegion>();
+  } else {
+    ElementCount = svalBuilder.makeIntVal(1, true);
+    Region = (State->getSVal(NE, LCtx)).getAsRegion()->getAs<SubRegion>();
+  }
+  assert(Region);
+  // Set the region's extent equal to the Size in Bytes.
+  QualType ElementType = NE->getAllocatedType();
+  ASTContext &AstContext = C.getASTContext();
+  CharUnits TypeSize = AstContext.getTypeSizeInChars(ElementType);
+  if (Optional<DefinedOrUnknownSVal> DefinedSize =
+          ElementCount.getAs<DefinedOrUnknownSVal>()) {
+    DefinedOrUnknownSVal Extent = Region->getExtent(svalBuilder);
+    // size in Bytes = ElementCount*TypeSize
+    SVal SizeInBytes = svalBuilder.evalBinOpNN(
+        State, BO_Mul, ElementCount.castAs<NonLoc>(),
+        svalBuilder.makeArrayIndex(TypeSize.getQuantity()),
+        svalBuilder.getArrayIndexType());
+    DefinedOrUnknownSVal extentMatchesSize = svalBuilder.evalEQ(
+        State, Extent, SizeInBytes.castAs<DefinedOrUnknownSVal>());
+    State = State->assume(extentMatchesSize, true);
+  }
+  return State;
 void MallocChecker::checkPreStmt(const CXXDeleteExpr *DE,
                                  CheckerContext &C) const {
Index: lib/StaticAnalyzer/Checkers/ArrayBoundCheckerV2.cpp
--- lib/StaticAnalyzer/Checkers/ArrayBoundCheckerV2.cpp
+++ lib/StaticAnalyzer/Checkers/ArrayBoundCheckerV2.cpp
@@ -68,18 +68,11 @@
 static SVal computeExtentBegin(SValBuilder &svalBuilder,
                                const MemRegion *region) {
-  while (true)
-    switch (region->getKind()) {
-      default:
-        return svalBuilder.makeZeroArrayIndex();
-      case MemRegion::SymbolicRegionKind:
-        // FIXME: improve this later by tracking symbolic lower bounds
-        // for symbolic regions.
-        return UnknownVal();
-      case MemRegion::ElementRegionKind:
-        region = cast<SubRegion>(region)->getSuperRegion();
-        continue;
-    }
+  const MemSpaceRegion *SR = region->getMemorySpace();
+  if (SR->getKind() == MemRegion::UnknownSpaceRegionKind)
+    return UnknownVal();
+  else
+    return svalBuilder.makeZeroArrayIndex();
 // TODO: once the constraint manager is smart enough to handle non simplified
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