nridge added a comment.

In D140462#4014944 <>, @sammccall wrote:

> given lack of any automation/tests

That's a fair point, it would definitely help validate the correctness of the 
schema if we had tests in the form of example config files that pass or fail 

I would be supportive of adding such tests, but I'm also hesitant to require 
them as a condition of accepting the addition of the schema file since it does 
add a fair amount of effort and complexity.

> If clangd contributors should maintain this, how should 
> contributors/reviewers know whether changes are correct?

Is "look at existing sections of our schema file as a guide, or barring that, 
the JSON-schema specification" too unsatisfactory an answer?

My feeling is that, at the end of the day, the schema format is relatively 
straightforward compared to other things that a clangd reviewer needs to know 
(like C++, or the Clang AST API), and the stakes of letting a mistake slip in 
are quite low (i.e. maybe a user will fail to get code completion for a config 
file key, as opposed to say clangd crashing on your code).

> If they needn't maintain it, then having it on a third-party site seems 
> appropriate. Maybe a `/contrib/` directory is a useful compromise?

My original thinking was that reviewers should ask for patches that change 
config to make correspoding changes to the schema, which I guess would fall 
under "clangd contributors should maintain this".

But I'm definitely happy to compromise on this -- perhaps we could keep it in a 
`/contrib/` directory like you say, and encourage but not require that config 
changes keep it up to date? And perhaps, if someone contributes automated tests 
for the schema in the future, we could consider upgrading its status to 
"maintained" at that time?

> I don't use VSCode

(Note, there's nothing tying this to VSCode in particular. For example, 
lsp-mode seems to have support for consuming schemas from SchemaStore based on

> One practical question: AIUI the main point of having this is so it can be 
> provided to the VSCode YAML extension so it understands .clangd files. How 
> does this work mechanically?

My understanding, based on the discussion in the issue and my experimentation 

- If the YAML extension's `"yaml.schemaStore.enable"` setting is enabled (which 
is the default), the extension downloads a catalog of schemas from
- Clangd's entry in that catalog, which you can see if you load and filter for "clangd" 
[aside: I recommend Firefox's built-in JSON viewer for such tasks, the builtin 
JSON visualization and filtering is really neat; if you have any pull with the 
Chrome team, maybe put in a good word for adding a similar JSON viewer], 
declares that the schema applies to files named `.clangd`
- The extension automatically applies the schema to the `.clangd` file in your 

> Does it need to be part of the vscode-clangd repo instead?

I think being in the vscode-clangd repo would have the small advantage that the 
vscode-clangd extension could use the YAML extension's contribution point to 
install the schema locally even if `"yaml.schemaStore.enable"` is set to false. 
Not sure whether that's worth putting in place.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo


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