HaoyuZhang added inline comments.

Comment at: clang/include/clang/Driver/Options.td:1254
+    HelpText<"Use profi to infer block and edge counts.">,
+    DocBrief<[{Profi - a flow-based profile inference algorithm is an extended
+               and significantly re-engineered classic MCMF (min-cost max-flow)
hans wrote:
> I have to say, just reading this text I don't understand what it does.
> I think a good description would start with "Infer block and edge counts " 
> and then some kind of summary of how it does that.
> I assume profile info is still needed for this (that's the input, right?) 
> That should probably also be explained, and maybe we should warn when using 
> -fsample-profile-use-profi without -fprofile-sample-use?
> My main concern is that there's no documentation for this. How is a user 
> supposed to learn about this feature and how it works? Why can't someone add 
> something to 
> https://clang.llvm.org/docs/UsersManual.html#profile-guided-optimization ? 
> Once that is figured out, describing what the option does will probably be 
> easy.
Sorry for the unclear description of the DocBrief and I have do some 

A checking has been added for ensuring that -fsample-profile-use-profi is only 
allowed with fprofile-sample-use. Otherwise, there will be an error.

About the document in above link, do you want me to add some contents about 
using profi after the patch or invite the author of profi?

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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