xazax.hun added a comment.

There are many ways to introduce context sensitivity into the framework, this 
patch seems to take the "inline substitution" approach, the same approach the 
Clang Static Analyzer is taking. While this approach is relatively easy to 
implement and has great precision, it also has some scalability problems. Did 
you also consider a summary-based approach? In general, I believe the inline 
substitution approach results in an easier to use interface for the users of 
the framework, but I am a bit concerned about the scalability problems.

Some other related questions:

- Why call noop analysis? As far as I understand, this would only update the 
environment but not the lattice of the current analysis, i.e., if the analysis 
is computing some information like liveness, that information would not be 
context sensitive. Do I miss something?
- Why limit the call depth to 1? The patch mentions recursive functions. In 
case of the Clang Static Analyzer, the call depth is 4. I think if we go with 
the inline substitution approach, we want this parameter to be tunable, because 
different analyses might have different sweet spots for the call stack depth.
- The CSA also has other tunables, e.g., small functions are always inlined and 
large functions are never inlined.
- Currently, it looks like the framework assumes functions that cannot be 
inlined are not doing anything. This is an unsound assumption, and I wonder if 
we should change that before we try to settle on the best values for the 
tunable parameters.
- The current code might do a bit too much work. E.g. consider:

  while (...) {

As far as I understand, the current approach would start the analysis of 
`inlinableCall` from scratch in each iteration. I wonder if we actually want to 
preserve the state between the iterations, so we do not always reevaluate the 
call from scratch. Currently, it might not be a big deal as the fixed-point 
iteration part is disabled. But this could be a perf problem in the future, 
unless I miss something.

- I think the environment currently is not really up to context-sensitive 
evaluation. Consider a recursive function:

  void f(int a) {
    if (a < 10)

Here, when the recursive call is evaluated, it is ambiguous what `a` refers to. 
Is it the argument of the caller or the callee? To solve this ambiguity, the 
calling context needs to be the part of the values in the environment.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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