Prazek added a comment.

In, @alexfh wrote:

> BTW, why is the check in the 'modernize' module? It doesn't seem to make 
> anything more modern. I would guess, the pattern it detects is most likely to 
> result from a programming error. Also, the fix, though it retains the 
> behavior, has a high chance to be incorrect. Can you share the results of 
> running this check on LLVM? At least, how many problems it found and how many 
> times the suggested fix was correct.
> I'd suggest to move the check to `misc` or maybe it's time to create a 
> separate directory for checks targeting various bug-prone patterns.

Do you have any thought about the name for such a module? I belive that misc is 

So for this we are looking for something that is probably not a bug, but it 
makes code a little bit inaccurate
Maybe something like:

- accuracy,
- correctness,
- certainity,
- safety,
- maybebugmaybenothardtosay

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