saiislam marked 5 inline comments as done.
saiislam added inline comments.

Comment at: clang/lib/AST/Decl.cpp:3224
+  if (Context.getTargetInfo().getTriple().isAMDGCN() &&
+      Context.BuiltinInfo.isPredefinedLibFunction(BuiltinID) &&
jdoerfert wrote:
> sameerds wrote:
> > arsenm wrote:
> > > This is also identical to the cuda handling above, can you merge them
> > It's not identical, because CUDA is filtering out host code and its check 
> > is target independent.
> > 
> > But then, Saiyed, it seems that the new patch disallows library builtins on 
> > all languages that reach this point, both on host and device code. Is that 
> > the intention? Does this point in the flow preclude any side-effects 
> > outside of "OpenMP on AMDGCN"?
> Yes, wasn't there an idea to have isGPU()?
@sameerds  this function returns a value indicating whether input function 
corresponds to a builtin function (returns BuiltinID), or not (returns 0) i.e. 
all conditions returning 0 are the exceptions where a valid BuiltinID can't be 
returned. The new condition only applies to non-OpenCL (line 3213) builtin 
functions which are not printf and malloc, and have been targeted for amdgcn.

Comment at: clang/lib/AST/Decl.cpp:3224
+  if (Context.getTargetInfo().getTriple().isAMDGCN() &&
+      Context.BuiltinInfo.isPredefinedLibFunction(BuiltinID) &&
saiislam wrote:
> jdoerfert wrote:
> > sameerds wrote:
> > > arsenm wrote:
> > > > This is also identical to the cuda handling above, can you merge them
> > > It's not identical, because CUDA is filtering out host code and its check 
> > > is target independent.
> > > 
> > > But then, Saiyed, it seems that the new patch disallows library builtins 
> > > on all languages that reach this point, both on host and device code. Is 
> > > that the intention? Does this point in the flow preclude any side-effects 
> > > outside of "OpenMP on AMDGCN"?
> > Yes, wasn't there an idea to have isGPU()?
> @sameerds  this function returns a value indicating whether input function 
> corresponds to a builtin function (returns BuiltinID), or not (returns 0) 
> i.e. all conditions returning 0 are the exceptions where a valid BuiltinID 
> can't be returned. The new condition only applies to non-OpenCL (line 3213) 
> builtin functions which are not printf and malloc, and have been targeted for 
> amdgcn.
@jdoerfert  Can you please elaborate on isGPU() idea? I am not aware about it.
Guessing by the name, I have added isGPU() as a wrapper over isNVPTX() and 
isAMDGCN() in the next revision.

Comment at: clang/lib/AST/Decl.cpp:3225
+  if (Context.getTargetInfo().getTriple().isAMDGCN() &&
+      Context.BuiltinInfo.isPredefinedLibFunction(BuiltinID) &&
+      !(BuiltinID == Builtin::BIprintf || BuiltinID == Builtin::BImalloc))
this condition is not required because it has already been checked in line 
#3200 earlier.

Comment at: clang/lib/Frontend/CompilerInvocation.cpp:3162
+      Opts.OpenMPIsDevice && (T.isNVPTX() || T.isAMDGCN()) &&
sameerds wrote:
> jdoerfert wrote:
> > Can we please not call it CUDA mode for non-CUDA targets? Or do you expect 
> > the compilation to "identify" as CUDA compilation?
> I suspect it's just a lot of water under the bridge. All over Clang, HIP has 
> traditionally co-opted CUDA code without introducing new identifiers, like 
> "-fcuda-is-device". It won't be easy to redo that now, and definitely looks 
> out of scope for this change. A typical HIP compilation usually does identify 
> itself as a HIP compilation like setting the isHIP flag. This allows the 
> frontend to distinguish between CUDA and HIP when it matters.
@jdoerfert [[ 
| OpenMP support document of clang ]] defines two data sharing modes for cuda 
devices: CUDA and Generic mode. NVPTX and AMDGCN both are cuda devices. Doesn't 
it make sense to not refactor CUDA mode as of now?

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