LegalizeAdulthood added a comment.

In, @sbenza wrote:

> Just fyi, I am looking at this diff. It is very large with a lot of rounds of 
> comments and I didn't have the context.
>  I don't know if I should giving comments at this point of the change, but 
> here it is.
>  Have you considered matching on typeLoc() instead of having a large list of 
> different cases?
>  For example, if you match `typeLoc(loc(functionType()))` it will match all 
> the places where a function type is mentioned, including things like 
> `static_cast<XXX>`, variable declarations, lambda return type declarations, 
> etc. Might help remove redundancy in the check.

That occurred to me and I did an experiment and it didn't work out.  I forget 
the exact details now as it was months ago and this review has been sitting 
here languishing with a correct implementation as-is.  I really just want to 
get this committed and make incremental improvement, instead of re-evaluating 
the entire thing from scratch at this time.

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