On 07/11/2018 15:39, Gregory Farnum wrote:
On Wed, Nov 7, 2018 at 5:58 AM Simon Ironside <sirons...@caffetine.org
<mailto:sirons...@caffetine.org>> wrote:
On 07/11/2018 10:59, Konstantin Shalygin wrote:
>> I wonder if there is any release announcement for ceph 12.2.9
that I missed.
>> I just found the new packages on download.ceph.com
<http://download.ceph.com>, is this an official
>> release?
> This is because 12.2.9 have a several bugs. You should avoid to
use this
> release and wait for 12.2.10
Argh! What's it doing in the repos then?? I've just upgraded to it!
What are the bugs? Is there a thread about them?
If you’ve already upgraded and have no issues then you won’t have any
trouble going forward — except perhaps on the next upgrade, if you do
it while the cluster is unhealthy.
Thanks, the upgrade went fine and I've no known issues. The only warning
I have is about too many PGs per OSD which is my fault not ceph's. I
trust that doesn't count as a reason not to proceed to 13.2.2?
I agree that it’s annoying when these issues make it out. We’ve had
ongoing discussions to try and improve the release process so it’s
less drawn-out and to prevent these upgrade issues from making it
through testing, but nobody has resolved it yet. If anybody has
experience working with deb repositories and handling releases, the
Ceph upstream could use some help... ;)
Totally, I get that this happens from time to time but once a bad
release is known why not just delete the affected packages from the
official repos? That seems to me to be a really easy step to take
especially if release announcements haven't been sent, docs.ceph.com
hasn't been updated yet etc. I reposync --newest-only the RPMs from the
official repos to my own then update my ceph hosts from there which is
how I ended up with 12.2.9.
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