On 07/11/2018 10:59, Konstantin Shalygin wrote:
>> I wonder if there is any release announcement for ceph 12.2.9 that I missed.
>> I just found the new packages on download.ceph.com, is this an official
>> release?
> This is because 12.2.9 have a several bugs. You should avoid to use this
> release and wait for 12.2.10

It seems that maybe something isn't quite right in the release
infrastructure, then? The 12.2.8 packages are still available, but e.g.
debian-luminous's Packages file is pointing to the 12.2.9 (broken) packages.

Could the Debian/Ubuntu repos only have their releases updated (as
opposed to what's in the pool) for safe/official releases? It's one
thing letting people find pre-release things if they go looking, but
ISTM that arranging that a mis-timed apt-get update/upgrade might
install known-broken packages is ... unfortunate.



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