ok. thanks.

发件人: Daleep Singh Bais <daleepb...@gmail.com>
发送时间: 2016年9月28日 8:14:53
收件人: 卢 迪; ceph-users@lists.ceph.com
主题: Re: 答复: [ceph-users] Ceph user manangerment question

Hi Dillon,

Please check 


This might provide some information on permissions.

Daleep Singh Bais

On 09/28/2016 11:28 AM, 卢 迪 wrote:

Hi Daleep,

Thank you for reply.

I have read the document for a moment. Let me try to clarify this.

In my case, I only assgin “mon ‘allow r” permission to account appuser. But, I 
still can mount cephfs and see the directory created before(the folder name is 

And, I can create a folder under this folder too. (the folder is “test2”)

However, when I created and edited an text file(“test.txt”) with a read only 
error.When I quit with "q!", I still see the file with 0 bytes.


I'm wondering I must misunderstand something. I thought I shouldn't see this 
folder "test" because the user didn't have the read/write permission against 
any pool in this cluster. I shouldn't create the "test.txt" in this folder too 
because of premission.(But, I CREATED it with nothing)

Let's say assigning an OS user permission(for example, Linux). I have to give 
read permission if a user want to read a file; If it has to execute a script, I 
have to grant the exeucte permission. I want to understand when and why I 
should assign which permssion to an user by meeting a special task. Can I find 
this kind of document?



发件人: Daleep Singh Bais <daleepb...@gmail.com><mailto:daleepb...@gmail.com>
发送时间: 2016年9月27日 6:55:10
收件人: 卢 迪; ceph-users@lists.ceph.com<mailto:ceph-users@lists.ceph.com>
主题: Re: [ceph-users] Ceph user manangerment question

Hi Dillon,

Ceph uses CephX authentication, which gives permission to users on selected 
Pools  to read / write.  We give mon 'allow r'
 to get cluster/Crush map for client.

You can refer to below URL for more information on CephX and creating user 
keyrings for access to selected / specific pools.

Cephx Config Reference — Ceph 
Deployment Scenarios¶ There are two main scenarios for deploying a Ceph 
cluster, which impact how you initially configure Cephx. Most first time Ceph 
users use ceph ...

The below URL will give you information on various permissions which can be 
applied while creating a CephX authentication key.

Ceph Authentication & Authorization — Ceph 
Ceph Authentication & Authorization¶ Ceph is a distributed storage system where 
a typical deployment involves a relatively small quorum of monitors, scores of 

Hope this will give some insight and way forward to proceed.


Daleep Singh Bais

On 09/27/2016 12:02 PM, 卢 迪 wrote:

Hello all,

I'm a newbie of Ceph. I read the document and created a ceph cluster against 
VM. I have a question about how to apply user managerment to the cluster. I'm 
not asking how to create or modify users or user privileges. I have found this 
in the Ceph document.

I want to know:

1. Is there a way to know the usage of all privileges? For example, I created 
an user client.appuser with mon "allow r", this user can accsess the Ceph; If I 
removed the mon "allow r", it will be time out. (in this case, I mount the 
cluster with cephfs). If someone has these information, could you please share 
with me?

2. What kind of situation would you create differnet users for cluster? In 
currently, I user admin user to access the all cluster, such as start cluster, 
mount file system and etc. It looks like the appuser( I created above) can 
mount file system too. Is it possible to create an user liking the OS user or 
database user? So, one user upload some data, the others can't see them or can 
only read them.

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