Hi Dillon,

Please check


This might provide some information on permissions.

Daleep Singh Bais

On 09/28/2016 11:28 AM, 卢 迪 wrote:
> Hi Daleep,
> Thank you for reply. 
> I have read the document for a moment. Let me try to clarify this. 
> In my case, I only assgin “mon ‘allow r” permission to account
> appuser. But, I still can mount cephfs and see the directory created
> before(the folder name is “test”).
> And, I can create a folder under this folder too. (the folder is “test2”)
> However, when I created and edited an text file(“test.txt”) with aread
> onlyerror.When I quit with "q!", I still see the file with 0 bytes.
> I'm wondering I must misunderstand something. I thought I shouldn't
> see this folder "test" because the user didn't have the read/write
> permission against any pool in this cluster. I shouldn't create the
> "test.txt" in this folder too because of premission.(But, I CREATED it
> with nothing)
> Let's say assigning an OS user permission(for example, Linux). I have
> to give read permission if a user want to read a file; If it has to
> execute a script, I have to grant the exeucte permission. I want to
> understand when and why I should assign which permssion to an user by
> meeting a special task. Can I find this kind of document?
> Thanks,
> Dillon
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *发件人:* Daleep Singh Bais <daleepb...@gmail.com>
> *发送时间:* 2016年9月27日 6:55:10
> *收件人:* 卢 迪; ceph-users@lists.ceph.com
> *主题:* Re: [ceph-users] Ceph user manangerment question
> Hi Dillon,
> Ceph uses CephX authentication, which gives permission to users on
> selected Pools  to read / write.  We give mon 'allow r'
>  to get cluster/Crush map for client.
> You can refer to below URL for more information on CephX and creating
> user keyrings for access to selected / specific pools.
> http://docs.ceph.com/docs/jewel/rados/configuration/auth-config-ref/
> Cephx Config Reference — Ceph Documentation
> <http://docs.ceph.com/docs/jewel/rados/configuration/auth-config-ref/>
> docs.ceph.com
> Deployment Scenarios¶ There are two main scenarios for deploying a
> Ceph cluster, which impact how you initially configure Cephx. Most
> first time Ceph users use ceph ...
> The below URL will give you information on various permissions which
> can be applied while creating a CephX authentication key.
> http://docs.ceph.com/docs/firefly/rados/operations/auth-intro/
> Ceph Authentication & Authorization — Ceph Documentation
> <http://docs.ceph.com/docs/firefly/rados/operations/auth-intro/>
> docs.ceph.com
> Ceph Authentication & Authorization¶ Ceph is a distributed storage
> system where a typical deployment involves a relatively small quorum
> of monitors, scores of ...
> Hope this will give some insight and way forward to proceed.
> Thanks,
> Daleep Singh Bais
> On 09/27/2016 12:02 PM, 卢 迪 wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> I'm a newbie of Ceph. I read the document and created a ceph cluster
>> against VM. I have a question about how to apply user managerment to
>> the cluster. I'm not asking how to create or modify users or user
>> privileges. I have found this in the Ceph document.
>> I want to know:
>> 1. Is there a way to know the usage of all privileges? For example, I
>> created an user client.appuser with mon "allow r", this user can
>> accsess the Ceph; If I removed the mon "allow r", it will be time
>> out. (in this case, I mount the cluster with cephfs). If someone has
>> these information, could you please share with me?
>> 2. What kind of situation would you create differnet users for
>> cluster? In currently, I user admin user to access the all cluster,
>> such as start cluster, mount file system and etc. It looks like the
>> appuser( I created above) can mount file system too. Is it possible
>> to create an user liking the OS user or database user? So, one user
>> upload some data, the others can't see them or can only read them.
>> ceph-users mailing list
>> ceph-users@lists.ceph.com
>> http://lists.ceph.com/listinfo.cgi/ceph-users-ceph.com

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