Hello all,

I'm a newbie of Ceph. I read the document and created a ceph cluster against 
VM. I have a question about how to apply user managerment to the cluster. I'm 
not asking how to create or modify users or user privileges. I have found this 
in the Ceph document.

I want to know:

1. Is there a way to know the usage of all privileges? For example, I created 
an user client.appuser with mon "allow r", this user can accsess the Ceph; If I 
removed the mon "allow r", it will be time out. (in this case, I mount the 
cluster with cephfs). If someone has these information, could you please share 
with me?

2. What kind of situation would you create differnet users for cluster? In 
currently, I user admin user to access the all cluster, such as start cluster, 
mount file system and etc. It looks like the appuser( I created above) can 
mount file system too. Is it possible to create an user liking the OS user or 
database user? So, one user upload some data, the others can't see them or can 
only read them.


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