On Thu, Sep 5, 2013 at 11:42 AM, Bernhard Glomm
<bernhard.gl...@ecologic.eu> wrote:
> Hi all,
> as a ceph newbie I got another question that is probably solved long ago.
> I have my testcluster consisting two OSDs that also host MONs
> plus one to five MONs.
> Now I want to reboot all instance, simulating a power failure.
> So I shutdown the extra MONs,
> Than shutting down the first OSD/MON instance (call it "ping")
> and after shutdown is complete, shutting down the second OSD/MON
> instance (call it "pong")
> 5 Minutes later I restart "pong", than after I checked all services are
> up and running I restart "pong", afterwards I restart the MON that I brought
> down the at last, not the other MON though (since - surprise - they are in
> this test szenario just virtual instances residing on some ceph rbds)
> I think this is the wrong way to do it, since it brakes the cluster 
> unrecoverable...
> at least that's what it seems, ceph tries to call one of the MONs that isn't 
> there yet
> How to shut down and restart the whole cluster in a coordinated way in case
> of a powerfailure (need a script for our UPS)
> And a second question regarding ceph-deploy:
> How do I specify a second NIC/address to be used as the intercluster 
> communication?

You will not be able to do something like this with ceph-deploy. This
sounds like a very specific (or a bit more advanced)
configuration than what ceph-deploy offers.

> Bernhard
> --
> ________________________________
> Bernhard Glomm
> IT Administration
> Phone: +49 (30) 86880 134
> Fax: +49 (30) 86880 100
> Skype: bernhard.glomm.ecologic
> Ecologic Institut gemeinnützige GmbH | Pfalzburger Str. 43/44 | 10717 Berlin 
> | Germany
> GF: R. Andreas Kraemer | AG: Charlottenburg HRB 57947 | USt/VAT-IdNr.: 
> DE811963464
> Ecologic™ is a Trade Mark (TM) of Ecologic Institut gemeinnützige GmbH
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