> > > > And a second question regarding ceph-deploy:
> > > > How do I specify a second NIC/address to be used as the intercluster 
> > > > communication?

> > > You will not be able to do something like this with ceph-deploy. This
> > > sounds like a very specific (or a bit more advanced)
> > > configuration than what ceph-deploy offers.

> > Actually, you can — when editing the ceph.conf (before creating any
> > daemons) simply set public addr and cluster addr in whatever section
> > is appropriate. :)

> Oh, you are right! I was thinking about a flag in ceph-deploy for some reason 
> :) 

yepp, flag or option would be nice, 
but doing it via ceph.conf would work for me too.
So immediately after running
ceph-deploy new $my_initial_instances
I inject what ever I need into ceph.conf
than with the " --overwrite-conf" option
ceph.conf is pushed to the nodes on the 
ceph-deploy mon create $my_initial_instances
ceph-deploy only creates a basic ceph.conf when called with the "new" command,
not editing the conf afterwards anymore?
so if I add additional MONs/OSDs later on, shall I adjust the 
"mon_host" list?
and the "mon_initial_members" list?
Can I introduce the cluster network later on, after the cluster is deployed and 
started working?
(by editing ceph.conf, push it to the cluster members and restart the daemons?)




            Bernhard Glomm

            IT Administration

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