Hi all, 

as a ceph newbie I got another question that is probably solved long ago.
I have my testcluster consisting two OSDs that also host MONs
plus one to five MONs.
Now I want to reboot all instance, simulating a power failure.
So I shutdown the extra MONs, 
Than shutting down the first OSD/MON instance (call it "ping")
and after shutdown is complete, shutting down the second OSD/MON
instance (call it "pong")
5 Minutes later I restart "pong", than after I checked all services are 
up and running I restart "pong", afterwards I restart the MON that I brought
down the at last, not the other MON though (since - surprise - they are in 
this test szenario just virtual instances residing on some ceph rbds)

I think this is the wrong way to do it, since it brakes the cluster 
at least that's what it seems, ceph tries to call one of the MONs that isn't 
there yet
How to shut down and restart the whole cluster in a coordinated way in case
of a powerfailure (need a script for our UPS)

And a second question regarding ceph-deploy:
How do I specify a second NIC/address to be used as the intercluster 




            Bernhard Glomm

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