So far I haven't seen much of a change.  It's still working through
removing the bucket that reached 1.5 million objects though (my guess is
that'll take a few more days), so I believe that might have something to do
with it.


On Wed, Sep 4, 2013 at 12:14 PM, Mark Nelson <>wrote:

> Bryan,
> Good explanation.  How's performance now that you've spread the load over
> multiple buckets?
> Mark
> On 09/04/2013 12:39 PM, Bryan Stillwell wrote:
>> Bill,
>> I've run into a similar issue with objects averaging ~100KiB.  The
>> explanation I received on IRC is that there are scaling issues if you're
>> uploading them all to the same bucket because the index isn't sharded.
>>   The recommended solution is to spread the objects out to a lot of
>> buckets.  However, that ran me into another issue once I hit 1000
>> buckets which is a per user limit.  I switched the limit to be unlimited
>> with this command:
>> radosgw-admin user modify --uid=your_username --max-buckets=0
>> Bryan
>> On Wed, Sep 4, 2013 at 11:27 AM, Bill Omer <
>> <>> wrote:
>>     I'm testing ceph for storing a very large number of small files.
>>       I'm seeing some performance issues and would like to see if anyone
>>     could offer any insight as to what I could do to correct this.
>>     Some numbers:
>>     Uploaded 184111 files, with an average file size of 5KB, using
>>     10 separate servers to upload the request using Python and the
>>     cloudfiles module.  I stopped uploading after 53 minutes, which
>>     seems to average 5.7 files per second per node.
>>     My storage cluster consists of 21 OSD's across 7 servers, with their
>>     journals written to SSD drives.  I've done a default installation,
>>     using ceph-deploy with the dumpling release.
>>     I'm using statsd to monitor the performance, and what's interesting
>>     is when I start with an empty bucket, performance is amazing, with
>>     average response times of 20-50ms.  However as time goes on, the
>>     response times go in to the hundreds, and the average number of
>>     uploads per second drops.
>>     I've installed radosgw on all 7 ceph servers.  I've tested using a
>>     load balancer to distribute the api calls, as well as pointing the
>>     10 worker servers to a single instance.  I've not seen a real
>>     different in performance with this either.
>>     Each of the ceph servers are 16 core Xeon 2.53GHz with 72GB of ram,
>>     OCZ Vertex4 SSD drives for the journals and Seagate Barracuda ES2
>>     drives for storage.
>>     Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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*Bryan Stillwell*

O: 303.228.5109
M: 970.310.6085

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