On 1/18/21 6:13 PM, Lev wrote:
> Hi Jon,
> Thanks for the explanation, I can understand wanting to switch to a more 
> common build system. Could I volunteer to maintain a branch of CDE for what 
> might be considered legacy systems? I would really like the opportunity to 
> work on improving CDE, including making dtterm more VT100 compatible.

Sure... I would just create a fork though.  Unfortunately I do not have
the ability on SF to create branches and then let someone have control
over them...


> Kind regards,
> Lev
>> On Jan 18, 2021, at 17:48, Jon Trulson <j...@radscan.com> wrote:
>> On 1/18/21 9:31 AM, Lev via cdesktopenv-devel wrote:
>>> Hi Chase,
>>> Thanks to your advice about the submodule, I was able to make some 
>>> progress. Unfortunately, I am now getting a lot of errors from the headers, 
>>> e.g.:
>>> [...]
>>> I had been hoping to get a Motif 2.1 compatible version of CDE working on 
>>> UnixWare, but I believe these changes, using autoconf and an out of tree 
>>> ksh, are going to pose significant challenges for the future portability of 
>>> CDE because it would be contingent on support by other projects. A similar 
>>> transition by 
>>> X.org
>>>  resulted in OpenBSD implementing their own makefile build system with 
>>> Xenocara, and I have had experience with autoconf releases after 2.13 
>>> turning into an effort trying to debug some rather inscrutable m4. Imake, 
>>> for all its limitations, generates easy to understand Makefiles, is simple 
>>> to configure manually if need be, and only assumes a knowledge of make and 
>>> the cpp.
>>> What would your advice be for anyone wanting to continue using CDE on 
>>> platforms that are unsupported by the autotools or ksh?
>> Well, autotools is they way we are heading.  There is already quite a lot of 
>> work already done on the autotools branch.  imake is dead and is very hard 
>> for new users to 'get'.  I intend, once everything can be built from 
>> autotools (see the autotools-conversion branch), to completely remove all 
>> that is imake from the tree once and for all.  IT sucks.  It requires 
>> special syntactic C preprocessor behavior.  I have no intention of 
>> continuing to support imake once we can safely ditch it.
>> For ksh, we can stick with the iffe stuff it is using now, until they 
>> (upstream) change it to something else.  Even in the current master - we 
>> just call the ksh build scripts from Imake.  We will do the same from 
>> autotools.  If some day ksh moves to autotools or something else, we can 
>> just arrange to call it, whatever it winds up being.
>> As for running on platforms unsupported by autotools - sorry, do we care?  I 
>> know unixware used to support it, I used to run unixware... 20 years or so 
>> ago...  If the OS is not being updated, why would we waste time appealing to 
>> the lowest common denominator?
>> I know ksh is a problem and it always astonished me that we actually needed 
>> a running ksh on the system in order to build CDE.  That is a dep we should 
>> get rid of.  We should not need ksh to build ksh, or any other part of CDE 
>> if we can avoid it.
>> So - I will hold off on applying patches until we have a path forward.  
>> Chase: If you would like I can update the master-ksh93-upgrade with latest 
>> master.  Let me know.
>> -jon
>>> Kind regards,
>>> Lev
>>>> On Jan 17, 2021, at 20:13, Chase <nicetry...@protonmail.ch>
>>>>  wrote:
>>>> I would not get too ahead of yourself with that, we are planning on making 
>>>> the jump to the gnu autotools pretty soon, imake has a multitude of issues 
>>>> that, if we want to see significant progress in the fields of OS packaging 
>>>> and cross compiling, it will need to be done away with. Upstream might 
>>>> appreciate any help with turning nmake into plain makefiles or autotooling 
>>>> it however. It also just occured to me why your build was failing, after 
>>>> you checkout master-ksh93-upgrade, make sure you do "git submodule update 
>>>> --init --recursive" or else git will not pull in the submodule, thats why 
>>>> your ./bin/package was missing. If you still have technical problems with 
>>>> it afterwards, maybe this commit from att ksh could help 
>>>> https://github.com/att/ast/pull/260
>>>> Thank you for your time,
>>>> -Chase
>>>> ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
>>>> On Sunday, January 17, 2021 9:02 PM, Lev 
>>>> <int...@mailbox.org>
>>>>  wrote:
>>>>> Hi Chase,
>>>>> I am thinking of revamping the bundled dtksh to build directly with imake 
>>>>> instead of nmake, using a ksh93 configure script to generate a .cf file 
>>>>> with the appropriate defines as a replacement for iffe. If this isn’t the 
>>>>> ksh 2020 fork but the new ksh 93u one, backporting the fixes shouldn’t be 
>>>>> too difficult because they basically started from scratch to my 
>>>>> understanding.
>>>>> Kind regards,
>>>>> Lev
>>>>>> On Jan 17, 2021, at 17:28, Chase via cdesktopenv-devel 
>>>>>> cdesktopenv-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
>>>>>>  wrote:
>>>>>> Lev,
>>>>>> This is a known issue with upstream ksh93: 
>>>>>> https://github.com/ksh93/ksh/issues/3
>>>>>> , maybe I am being a bit inconsiderate, but I think that the benefit of 
>>>>>> us not having to maintain our own decade old out of tree fork of ksh93 
>>>>>> anymore is a worthy trade off for musl support. Could any of your most 
>>>>>> recent patches be applied upstream? I saw that you did edit a few files 
>>>>>> in the ksh93 tree.
>>>>>> Thank you for your time,
>>>>>> -Chase
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>> -- 
>> Jon Trulson
>>   "Entropy.  It isn't what it used to be."
>>                            -- Sheldon
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Jon Trulson

  "Entropy.  It isn't what it used to be."
                           -- Sheldon

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