Hi, I went ahead and merged these to your master-ksh93-upgrade branch,
in addition to the one switching to std malloc.


On 1/17/21 1:30 PM, Chase via cdesktopenv-devel wrote:
> So here is where I am at with testing alternate platforms with the new
> imported ksh:
> Working:
> Linux Mint 20
> CentOS 8 (patch needs to be explicitly installed for some reason, even
> though it is a POSIX utility)
> FreeBSD 12.1
> Openindiana hipster* (I needed to add a custom patch in dtdocbook that
> points make to the write version of tcl, -ltcl is incorrect, -ltcl8.6
> isn't, not sure when this was changes since I don't use openindiana
> normally, but I am not going to mess with it since I know some people
> still use legacy opensolaris and I assume it is -ltcl on there)
> Not Working:
> OpenBSD 6.7, segfaults whenever free() is called, but this does work
> with the old version, so it is a regression, but OpenBSD couldn't even
> boot when I compiled normal master, it hung at dthello
> manjaro, fedora 33, opensuse: this was only because the gcc 10 patches
> haven't been applied to master-ksh93-upgrade yet, if centos 8 works,
> these probably should as well
> Unknown: NetBSD, couldn't get package manager to cooperate
> Not tested: solaris 11.4, aix, hpux (lack of legal way to get them)
> I feel like this should be sufficient, I wouldn't know where to start
> with the OpenBSD segfault however, I know almost nothing about how
> they do memory management...
> Thank you for your time,
> -Chase
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Jon Trulson

  "Entropy.  It isn't what it used to be."
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