I git-ified you patch and sent it upstream, but in the future, if you make more 
changes to ksh, push them upstream to https://github.com/ksh93/ksh where the 
new ksh lives, they do no good simply sitting in our mailing list. I've also 
seen some talk about using the old at&t ksh, but this simply isn't possible or 
desirable, so much work has been put into this fork that solved many issues not 
only for dtksh, but ksh as a whole.

Thank you for your time,

‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
On Monday, January 18, 2021 9:34 PM, Lev <int...@mailbox.org> wrote:

> Hi Marcin,
> Thanks for the idea. I was able to workaround the LFS64 issue (see the 
> attached patch) with the new ksh 93u, but I ran into some other issues with 
> localization (iswalpha is redefined for some reason) and ulimit support that 
> are going to take some time to resolve.
> I haven’t had a chance to try it on SVR4 platforms yet, but the new ksh93 
> does state that "ksh does not currently build on AIX,” and “[t]here are many 
> regression test failures on NetBSD.” It seems that they are still in the 
> process of getting nmake working again.
> Kind regards,
> Lev
> > On Jan 18, 2021, at 14:25, Marcin Cieslak sa...@saper.info wrote:
> > On Mon, 18 Jan 2021, Lev wrote:
> >
> > > What would your advice be for anyone wanting to continue using CDE on 
> > > platforms that are unsupported by the autotools or ksh?
> >
> > Would the original ksh93u work for those platforms?
> > Or https://github.com/att/ast master which is close?
> > ksh93 has its own autoconfiguration thing, iffe, which
> > is quite nice once one gets used to it. I think musl
> > could be supported by writing some iffe rules...
> > Marcin

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