I can get a stair stepping easily enough on most terminal emulators (this was 
Solaris 10 CDE dtterm):
$ stty -onlcr
      $ stty sane
So maybe for some reason, it was bringing up the pseudo-terminal with the wrong 
tty modes. :-)
> On Nov 24, 2020, at 16:39, Antonis Tsolomitis <antonis.tsolomi...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> You are right. I got confused with Ubuntu in which installation of a service 
> enables it and runs it as well.
> In Arch it needs to me explicitly enabled, and I forgot this. 
> So, everything is fine on Arch and Manjaro the only additional step is to 
> install rpcsvc-proto.
> On Debian testing I still have to learn why dtterm stair-steps the prompts 
> until it is reset.
> (this problem does not appear on Arch).
> Thanks for all the help,
> Antonis.
> On 11/24/20 6:56 PM, Danilo Pecher wrote:
>> That error means you don't have the rpcbind service running
>> On Tue, 24 Nov 2020 at 17:54, Antonis Tsolomitis 
>> <antonis.tsolomi...@gmail.com <mailto:antonis.tsolomi...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>> True. So the package 
>> rpcsvc-proto
>> needs to be installed on Arch/Manjaro. This information is missing from 
>> https://sourceforge.net/p/cdesktopenv/wiki/Archlinux_Build/#install-packages 
>> <https://sourceforge.net/p/cdesktopenv/wiki/Archlinux_Build/#install-packages>
>> Can it be added?
>> Now libcsa has been compiled and installed. The problem however persists on 
>> Manjaro.
>> ttsession (although build and installed):
>> "The desktop messaging system could not be started"
>> 1. Click OK etc etc
>> On another window:
>> "A ToolTalk connection could not be established.......... no ttsession 
>> process is running".
>> These are typical errors for CDE from the past. So what to look for should 
>> be known to
>> experts of the CDE code. So, any idea how to debug?
>> Antonis.
>> On 11/24/20 3:25 PM, Danilo Pecher wrote:
>>> If libcsa isn't built, you're most likely missing rpcgen on your system
>>> On Tue, 24 Nov 2020 at 14:20, Antonis Tsolomitis 
>>> <antonis.tsolomi...@gmail.com <mailto:antonis.tsolomi...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>> On 11/24/20 7:57 AM, Peter Howkins wrote:
>>>> I've pushed a series of patches to master that should resolve the GCC 10 
>>>> build issues. Hopefully that will be enough to get the Fedora build 
>>>> working, but I've only tested it on Debian.
>>>> Peter
>>>> -- 
>>>> Peter Howkins
>>>> peter.howk...@marutan.net <mailto:peter.howk...@marutan.net>
>>>> https://www.marutan.net/ <https://www.marutan.net/>
>>> Yes it compiles on Debian testing. However there are some problems in 
>>> dtterm shown in attached screenshot.
>>> I remember this is an old problem but I forgot its solution. At the 
>>> beggining of the screenshot I enabled Return and Line feed
>>> so no stairs get priduced. But then I can not use mv -i as I get the prompt 
>>> immediately after the overwrite question.
>>> On ManjaroLinux/Arch it compiles but libcsa does not get produced.
>>> The make log for Manjaro is located here
>>> https://myria.math.aegean.gr/~atsol/tmp/make.log 
>>> <https://myria.math.aegean.gr/~atsol/tmp/make.log>
>>> Moreover, the desktop does not start on Manjaro/Arch... it complains about 
>>> /etc/hosts and the messaging system that does not get started.
>>> I do not know if this is related to libcsa.
>>> Antonis.
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