Moin, Okay, I got CDE to compile cleanly under Fedora 33. The two main problems were that Fedora splatters the depedencies all over the place and second, the breakage introduced by gcc 10. Mucking up other people's code seems to be the norm these days ind Linux-land.
Here's how to compile cleanly in Fedora: 1. Install dependencies ----------------------- cat > pkgs << EOF git gcc g++ binutils make patch libXp-devel libXt-devel libXinerama-devel libXpm-devel libXft-devel libXmu-devel motif-devel libXaw-devel libX11-devel libXScrnSaver-devel libtirpc-devel xorg-x11-server-utils libjpeg-turbo-devel freetype-devel openssl-devel tcl-devel ksh m4 ncompress xorg-x11-fonts-100dpi xorg-x11-fonts-75dpi rpcbind bison glibc-locale-source libXdmcp-devel rpcgen EOF sudo dnf -y install $(cat pkgs | tr '\n' ' ') 2. Add -fcommon to in cdesktopenv-code/cde/config/cf/ #define CcCmd gcc -g -pipe -fcommon #define CplusplusCmd g++ -g -pipe -fcommon 3. Build and install as usual The package compiles nearly cleanly. There's a single WARF error, that has to do with the debug data, but doesn't break the build. When executing installCDE I get some weird awk-errors like these awk: /tmp/awkFHstQzL9zy9NSEvQGH3gZ:370: (FILENAME=/usr/local/src/cdesktopenv-code/cde//databases/CDE-RUN.udb FNR=10) warning: regexp escape sequence `\:' is not a known regexp operator awk: /tmp/awkFHstQzL9zy9NSEvQGH3gZ:371: (FILENAME=/usr/local/src/cdesktopenv-code/cde//databases/CDE-RUN.udb FNR=10) warning: regexp escape sequence `\;' is not a known regexp operator awk: /tmp/awkFHstQzL9zy9NSEvQGH3gZ:372: (FILENAME=/usr/local/src/cdesktopenv-code/cde//databases/CDE-RUN.udb FNR=10) warning: regexp escape sequence `\=' is not a known regexp operator Again, they don't seem to break the install. I'm still investigating those. Cheers, Danilo _______________________________________________ cdesktopenv-devel mailing list