

fixes the problem.


On 11/24/20 3:22 PM, wrote:

As an interim workaround, just call reset on the prompt to reinitialize the terminal


From: Antonis Tsolomitis <>
Sent: Tuesday, November 24, 2020 2:20 PM
To: Peter Howkins <>
Cc: CDE development <>
Subject: Re: [cdesktopenv-devel] Fedora Build repaired (sort of)


On 11/24/20 7:57 AM, Peter Howkins wrote:


I've pushed a series of patches to master that should resolve the GCC 10 build issues. Hopefully that will be enough to get the Fedora build working, but I've only tested it on Debian.




Yes it compiles on Debian testing. However there are some problems in dtterm shown in attached screenshot.
I remember this is an old problem but I forgot its solution. At the beggining of the screenshot I enabled Return and Line feed
so no stairs get priduced. But then I can not use mv -i as I get the prompt immediately after the overwrite question.

On ManjaroLinux/Arch it compiles but libcsa does not get produced.
The make log for Manjaro is located here

Moreover, the desktop does not start on Manjaro/Arch... it complains about /etc/hosts and the messaging system that does not get started.
I do not know if this is related to libcsa.


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