For a Meta Assembler you may find useful, its useable and 
the source is available (as VS6 C++).

If you have AmdAsm sources, esp suitable for building with gcc, I would be 
interested in making their acquaintance.

You may find FPGAs and their infrastructure useful.  Beyond the simulators 
(ModelSim, etc), there is logic analyser IP which can be used on both VLIW 
sequencers / scalar mills in the fabric and on external circuitry. Xilinx 
Vivado is a reasonable toolset to start with.  For dev boards Artix-7 or Zynq 
boards on AliExpress may meet your needs.

Personally, I use the AM2910 and suchlike as a legacy example and roll my own 
sequencer design / instructions.  The FPGA fabric provides fast MAC elements 
(eg DSP48), and dual port RAM (in 36 kb chunks) for both control and data 

Best Regards

-----Original Message-----
From: Holm Tiffe via cctalk [] 
Sent: 09 March 2025 09:24
To: General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts <>
Cc: Holm Tiffe <>
Subject: [cctalk] Re: IDT 49C402BG84 Pinout?

<< snip >>

At first any Macroassembler should do the job for coding the bits in the 
control store, but even AMDASM and friends are laying around somwhere on my 
disks. I thin the time to talk about "real software" is when the cpu 
sucessfully adds it's first bytes..



       Technik Service u. Handel Tiffe,, Holm Tiffe, 
        Goethestrasse 15, 09569 Oederan, USt-Id: DE253710583 Tel +49 37292 709778 Mobil: 0172 8790 741

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