wiki has always been this way. it has stricks standards if something
doesnt fallow they clear it

u need to start a talk thread under talk about this issue not just have a
spat back and fourth deleting and reposting

On Sat, Feb 15, 2025 at 8:43 AM Frank Leonhardt via cctalk <> wrote:

> As those of us with a few years will know, Tony Hoare (and Jill's)
> implementation of Algol 60 on the Elliott 803 was a highly significant
> event in the history of computer languages. It was the first practical
> commercial Algol compiler, launched block structures languages, and
> played a part in Elliott selling nearly 300 803B computers at a time
> when 300 computers was a big number.
> Obviously the US preferred Fortran and COBOL for commercial use, and
> there were other Algol compilers in some shape or other knocking about
> in universities. But I'd say this implementation put block structured
> programming into the mainstream. (And it was the first high level
> language I used, but that's beside the point).
> Now some kid on Wikipedia thinks it's not notable and is trying to
> delete it because he can't find much on it doing a Google search.
> Wikipedia may be sinking under activists and egos, but I think we need
> to put this misapprehension straight. Unfortunately we may be arguing
> with an idiot.
> If course, if anyone thinks it wasn't significant, that's an opinion
> too, but I'd like to hear why.
> Thanks, Frank.

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