On 1/25/25 12:41, dwight via cctalk wrote:
>> A simple home experiment:
>> Find two points, such a hill/mountain-tops that are visible from each
>> other, but 10 or 20 miles, at least apart east/west..
> This is not sufficient to prove the earth is spherical. This method was used 
> to calculate the diameter of the earth, already knowing that it was a sphere 
> and the sun was very far away. To prove it was not flat, one has to use 3 
> locations. Using just two only helps to prove the stupid flat earther's 
> thought that the sun was much closer to the flat earth. 3 locations prove 
> that it can't be flat because the angle changes too much over distance. It 
> can be done in any direction but is easier to do North to South because time 
> of day only needs to be at high noon and distance known.

One need only watch a ship approaching shore from any direction to
notice that the horizon is curved.

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