On 2025-01-20 2:51 p.m., Alexander Schreiber via cctalk wrote:
ee a breakthrough it that either.

There have been various "simulate early (theoretical) earth conditions
in the lab to see what happens" and while at least some got all the way
to some interesting organic molecules, none of them reached even the most
primitive life forms - maybe they just need to refine their experiments
and run them for a billion years? ;-)

It still could be solved as puzzle.
You need enzymes to make enzymes  or you just end up with primeval soup.
It just has to work say 10% in the positive direction of the time for something useful start with. Use that as weird molecule zip and unzip RNA segments.
One factor, gravity may have been .5 G back then.

Kind regards,

Now that my PCB boards have shipped, I will go back to primeval computing with 18 bits, when computers were just crawling onto land.

They just seem more interesting than today's RISC's. Byte addressing
may have been a step backwards do to the loss 1 bit the order code
and 1 bit in address ranges.

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