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> On Jan 14, 2025, at 6:50 PM, Van Snyder via cctalk <> 
> wrote:
> Jay Jaeger has built a 1410 using FPGA, including 1401 compatibility. I
> haven't kept up with the status so I don't know whether everything
> works yet.

The 1410 cpu runs and passes cpu dials in both 1410 and 1401 mode .  Tape reads 
work, but way too slowly over a 115kbps usb serial connection, so I have been 
working on doing lamps, tape and maybe disk over UDP. Getting the UDP working 
on my particular dev board took some time.  Tape in maybe 6 months, I hope.  

My last year in grad school I was part of a team working on an ALGOL68 to 
PDP-11 cross compiler (running on a UNIVAC 1110).  I worked on direct pdp11 
relocatable code gen from a quadruples intermediate form.  We made good 
progress and got good grades, but it was never finished.

> 1401 (and 1410 and 7010) had a "branch if bit equal" instruction and
> column-binary card reading and punching (both optional on 1401), but
> nothing more for boolean operations.

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