On 12/24/24 21:36, jim stephens via cctalk wrote:

One thing I found and fiddled with for instance was a utility exit in the tape subsystem library called SPIE.  Turned out I could submit a SPIE handler which could get control when a tape fault occurred in supervisor mode.  Wasn't hard to generate a fault on the tape and get the exit triggered.

The system programmers added code to block that after I reported it to them.

Yup, the original OS 360 had so many security and reliability holes you could drive 5 Queen Mary ocean liners abreast through them.  The SPIE code gave you the PSW where the exception occurred, let you do anything you wanted, and then let you alter the PSW as desired with no checks.  This would allow you to clear the "P" bit and return to your program in supervisor mode.  That was surely one of the biggest security holes.  You could trigger the exception with a simple divide by zero.  (SPIE stands for Specify Program Interruption Exit.)


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